Find peace of mind, clear your thoughts, get rid of stress and restlessness, find emotional balance, get rid of anger, shame, fear, guilt, sadness and other negative emotions, restore natural calmness and serenity.
Here you will find: guided meditations, vipassana, yin yoga, restorative flow, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, breathing techniques, lectures of gurus, psychologists and scientists, EFT, affirmations and so much more.
All the presented materials are hand picked by the team of our wellness coaches. We believe that advice and practices they feature are really effective, because we tried them out ourselves or with our clients! Each category is a mix of different styles and approaches as you are unique and one method will suite you more than another. The only way to know it is to do it!
I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand...
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